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Developmental Milestones Chart

Track your child's development with “A Milestone Therapy” chart: 


We at “A Milestone Therapy,” believe that every child develops at his or her own pace. However, we also know that milestones help parent’s measure how their child is progressing. And for this reason, we have posted on our website, a developmental tracker chart. So, feel free to assess your child's development with our tracking chart online. We hope this information will help you better understand and build your child’s life skills.

By 3 Months


Begins to develop a smile
Imitates some movements and facial expressions


Gross Motor
Raises Head and chest when on tummy
Supports upper body with arms when on tummy
Pushes into surface when feet are placed on firm surface


Fine Motor
Opens and closes hands
Brings hand to mouth
Grasps rattles

By 12 Months



Shy with strangers

Shows preference for certain people and toys

Tests parent responses to behaviors

Finger-feeds self


Gross Motor

Crawls on hands and knees

Pulls to stand

Walks holding onto furniture

Takes two or three steps without support


Fine Motor

Uses pincer grasp

Bangs two objects together

Puts objects into container

Releases objects voluntarily



Explores objects in many ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)

Finds hidden objects easily

Begins to use objects correctly (brushing hair, drinking from cup)



Responds to simple one-step verbal command with gesture

Understands “no”

Babbles with changes in tone

By 36 Months/3 Years



Imitates adults and playmates

Shows affection for playmates

Can take turns in games

Expresses a wide range of emotions

Separates easily from parents


Gross Motor

Climbs well

Walks up and down stair alternating feet

Runs easily

Pedals a tricycle

Bends over without falling


Fine Motor

Makes lines vertically, horizontally, and scribbles circles

Turns pages of a book one at a time

Builds a 6 block tower

Holds a crayon or pencil in writing position

Turns rotating handles



Makes mechanical toys work

Plays make-believe with dolls and animals

Participates in cooperative play

Completes inset puzzles with 3-4 pieces

Undresses self

Uses 4-5 word sentences Toilet training begins



Understands most sentences

Understands placement in space (in, on, under)

By 5 Years


Wants to please friends
More likely to agree to rules
Likes to sing, dance, act
Aware of gender
Able to distinguish fantasy from reality


Gross Motor
Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer
Beginning to skip


Fine Motor
Copies triangle and other shapes
Draws a person with a body
Prints uppercase letters
Cuts on line consistently
Uses fork and spoon
Cares for own toileting needs


Can count 10 or more objects
Knows about use of everyday items (food, money)


Recalls part of a story
Uses future tense
Says name and address

By 7 Years



Desires to be perfect and is quite self-critical

Tends to complain; has strong emotional reactions

Understands the difference between right and wrong

Takes direction well


Gross Motor

Has good balance

Executes more complicated gymnastics such as a cartwheel

Activities become more sport specific


Fine Motor

Proficient with paper and pencil tasks

Able to organize multi-step sequences



Able to solve more complex problems

Individual learning style becomes more clear-cut

Can solve simple math problems using objects



Uses a vocabulary of several thousand words

By 7 Months



Enjoys social interaction

Appears happy often


Gross Motor

Rolls front to back and back to front

Gets into sitting without assistance

Crawls forward on belly


Fine Motor

Reaches with one hand

Transfers object from hand to hand

Uses raking of the hand to grasp object

Finger-feeds self



Finds partially hidden object

Explores objects with hands and mouth




By 18 Months



Separation anxiety increases

Begins to show defiant behavior


Gross Motor

Walks alone

Pulls toys while walking


Fine Motor

Turns over container to pour out contents

Spoons feeds

Uses open and sippy cup



Imitates housework



Responds to one step command without gesture

Points to body parts

Points to object or picture when named for them

Says several single words

By 48 Months/4 Years



Interested in new experiences

Plays “mom” or “dad”

Dresses and Undresses

Often cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality


Gross Motor

Hops and stands on one foot

Goes up and down stairs without support

Throws a ball overhead

Catches a bounced ball most of the time


Fine Motor

Copies squares

Draws a person with 2-4 body parts

Uses scissors

Draws circles and squares

Begins to copy capital letters



Correctly names colors

Understands concept of counting

Begins to understand time

Understands the concept of “same” and “different”



Has mastered some basic rules of grammar

Speaks clearly enough for others to understand them

Tells stories  

By 6 Years



Needs to win and may change rules to suit

Increasingly aware that others have feelings

Shows more interest in taking care of his or her self without help

Cleans his or her room, including making the bed

Likes board games, crafts and other constructive projects


Gross Motor

Can move in time with music or a beat

Very interested in climbing and balancing, takes risks

Learns to skip with rope

More in control of his or her body

Bounces and catches tennis ball


Fine Motor

Holds a pencil with three fingers, movement from fingers

Copies a diamond

Draws a person with detail

Writes alphabet

Ties shoelaces without help

Eye-hand coordination significantly improves

Masters buttons and fasteners

Cuts with a knife



Develops reasoning skills

Learn through language and logic/reasoning

Child shows a strong desire to learn



Developing reading skills well

Organizes events in order (beginning, middle, and end)

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